Birds in Flight
200 images (Last Modified: 17 Sep 2024)
Collection of images of various birds in flight including bald eagle, belted kingfisher, northern harrier, razorbills,spoonbill, black crowned night heron and hummingbirds. All images are captured with the birds in the air during flight.
Brown Pelican in breeding colors,landing with wings in...
Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey in flight. The two birds are...
Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey with fish, both birds in flight
A Bald Eagle flying around harassing an Osprey with a...
Bald Eagle poised to steal fish from Osprey. Bald Eagle...
Osprey in flight wings aloft, with large fish flying...
An Arctic Tern in flight with wings aloft, hovering...
Female Hooded Merganser taking off in flight from...
Bright Male House Finch in flight against green background
Adult Bald Eagle lifting off from water with fish
Female Purple Martin hovering in flight against cloudy sky
Male Purple Martin in flight with dragonfly in beak
Least Bittern taking off in flight in rain at Viera Wetlands
Female Belted Kingfisher in flight over water with wings...
American White Pelican landing in water with wings up and...
Belted Kingfisher landing on bare tree with wings out
Female Purple Martin in flight with bug in beak
Barred Owl in flight on cloudy day
Juvenile Black-Crowned night Heron in flight against...
Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron taking off in flight...
Barred Owl landing in a tree with feet out in front
Adult Harris's Hawk in flight with wings in upstroke,...
Adult Harris's Hawk in flight with wings in downstroke
American Kestral in flight flying towards camera
Belted Kingfisher flying out of water after catching a...
Female Bufflehead in flight over water with wings in...
Female bufflehead taking off in flight from water
Female bufflehead taking off in flight from water surface...
Female Bufflehead in flight, low over water with wings in...
Male Mallard in flight against sky
Brown Pelican in breeding colors, in flight
Crested Caracara landing with primary feathers and tail...
Male Northern Pintail, landing with feet down
Scissor-Tailed flycatcher, landing with feet down
An Osprey in flight after an unsuccessful dive for food
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with wings aloft
Osprey in flight with fish in claws
Crested Caracara in flight against a blue sky, with wings...
Crested Caracara in flight against blue sky, soaring....
Cattle Egret in breeding colors, in flight with nesting...
Juvenile Bald Eagle taking off in flight against clear...
Juvenile Bald Eagle soaring in flight with both wings...
American White Pelican in flight against a bright blue sky
Male Ruby throated Hummingbird in flight at Red Bee Balm...
A Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in flight at red flower...
Black Crowned Night Heron in flight with wings partially...
Snow Goose in flight with wings in downstroke, at sunset,...
Roseate Spoonbill in flight, descending against soft blue...
Black Skimmer in flight, banking in a turn, image is...
Black Skimmer, skimming along water surface in canal at...