Search Results
Your search yielded 48 images
Juvenile White Ibis walking in water in golden evening...
Juvenile Laughing Gull taking off from pond with feet...
Juvenile Bald Eagle soaring in flight with both wings...
Juvenile Bald Eagle in nest with wings spread, unfledged
Juvenile Green Heron standing on tree limb with mouth...
Juvenile Bald Eagle, wings aloft, taking off from dead...
Juvenile Bald Eagle taking off in flight against clear...
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Juvenile in water with crab...
Juvenile Northern Harrier in flight, hunting
Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk in flight against a blue sky
Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk taking off from top of pine...
Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk on top of a pine tree with wings...
Juvenile Black-crowned night-heron in flight in evening...
Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron in flight in wetlands,...
Juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron wading with reflection...
Juvenile Peregrine Falcon taking off in flight
Juvenile Northern Cardinal sitting in a hemlock tree
Juvenile Green Heron with beak open, calling
Juvenile Green Heron perched in a tree with mouth open...
Male Juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird perched on a...
Juvenile White Ibis standing beside the water with a...
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with fish against soft clouds
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with wings aloft
Juvenile Crested Caracara standing on the ground with his...
Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron taking off in flight...
Adult and Juvenile Crested Caracara perched facing each...
Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron in flight at sunset...
Juvenile Black Skimmer, skimming
Juvenile Black-Crowned night Heron in flight against...
Juvenile Purple Gallinule perched on a reed
Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron perched on dead limb...
Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron taking off in flight...
Juvenile Bald Eagle perched on a dead tree top
Adult Tree Swallow in flight landing on branch with a...
Juvenile Crested-Caracara standing on the ground
Juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron in flight in evening...
Immature Snow goose in flight against blue sky with puffy...
Female House Sparrow feeding young a bee
Common Grackle feeding young grackle with food passing...
River Otter Family running along river bank in Viera Florida
Royal Tern coming in for a landing with an Atlantic...
First Year Forster's Tern in flight with wings aloft
Pair of Sandhill Cranes walking with their Chick in Down...
Sub Adult Bald Eagle with feet forward going in to water...
Killdeer with four chicks, one chick is hiding under adult
American Anhinga feeding her young in nest
Juvenile Bald Eagle perched on a branch at Bosque del...