Search Results
Your search yielded 651 images
Bright red cardinal in hemlock tree
Roseate Spoonbill standing in the water on one leg with...
Osprey in flight leaving nest with wings aloft
Female Anhinga sitting on a tree branch with nesting...
Close up of a Limpkin in profile
Black Crowned Night Heron standing on a log in the water
Black-necked Stilt walking in water with beak in the...
Limpkin standing on one foot on the boardwalk railing at...
Male Anhinga in breeding plumage, sitting on a tree...
Great Blue Heron, with breeding occipital plumes, walking...
Juvenile White Ibis walking in water in golden evening...
Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey with fish, both birds in flight
Long-Billed thrasher taking a bird bath in a puddle
Cattle Egret in-flight against bright blue sky. Bird is...
Male Pyrrhuloxia perched on a tree limb with bird in profile
Great Blue Heron splashing in water, taking a bird bath
Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey in flight. The two birds are...
Bald Eagle poised to steal fish from Osprey. Bald Eagle...
A Bald Eagle flying around harassing an Osprey with a...
Little Blue Heron standing in water with fish in it's...
Male American Goldfinch perched on a bird shaped metal...
Roseate Spoonbill sweeping spoonbill back and forth in...
Adult Bald Eagle dropping a fish mid air into the water
Adult Bald Eagle with fish in talons, lifting off from...
Adult Bald Eagle lifting off from water with fish
Adult Harris's Hawk in flight with wings in upstroke,...
Adult Crested Caracara in flight in the Viera Wetlands,...
Swallow-Tailed Kite in flight holding prey in feet...
Eastern Bluebird perched on branch in evening sun
Florida Scrub-Jay perched as sentinel
Bald Eagle in flight toward camera with large fish in talons
Great Kiskadee landing on branch with red berries
Bewick's Wren perched in thorny tree
An adult Cooper's Hawk perched on a limb in sunshine
Bewick's Wren perched in a dead thorny tree branch
Adult Bald Eagle in flight with fish in talons against...
Bald Eagle in flight with wings aloft with fish with fall...
Great Kiskadee perched on a rock with water
Juvenile Black-Crowned night Heron in flight against...
Bobwhite Quail Chick on gravel road
A very colorful Green Jay perched on a tree branch in forest
Tree Swallow feeding nestling with nestling's beak open
Female House Sparrow feeding young a bee
Bald Eagle DIving for fish and missing the fish. Fish is...
Great Horned Owl perched on fence post in Florida
Red Shafted Northern flicker in flight with wings aloft
Bald Eagle in flight, hunting, looking at ground
Green Heron landing in duckweed covered pond
Barred Owl landing in a tree with feet out in front
Female House Sparrow with bug in beak feeding young at...