Search Results
Your search yielded 28 images
Reddish Egret in breeding plumage, standing in water
Atlantic Puffin in breeding colors, in flight towards camera
Northern Gannet in flight, flying low over North Atlantic...
Male Golden-Fronted Woodpecker perched on branch with red...
Sandhill Crane landing at sunset at Bosque del Apache...
Atlantic Puffin with beak full of fish going into burrow...
Roseate Spoonbill wading in evening light in wetlands
Puffin standing on rocks with beak tucked under wing
A pair of American Avocets in breeding colors, inflight...
Red-Bellied Woodpecker perched in Hemlock tree
Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird perched on a stick
Reddish Egret in breeding colors, standing in water with...
Male Painted Bunting sitting on ground with seeds in beak
Adult Tree Swallow in flight landing on branch with a...
Juvenile Purple Gallinule perched on a reed
Atlantic Puffin standing on a rock with multiple fish in...
Male Cinnamon Teal swimming in pond
Male Lesser Goldfinch at puddle of water with water in beak
Male Orchard Oriole perched in tree with bare branches
Atlantic Puffin perched on a rock with beak open
Cattle Egret in bright breeding colors in flight with...
Male Ruby throated Hummingbird in flight at Red Bee Balm...
Brown Pelican in breeding colors,landing with wings in...
Male Ruddy Duck in breeding colors, swimming with tail...
Male American Redstart perched in tree in MooseHorn...
Male Common Yellowthroat perched in tree surrounded by...
Male bobolink perched on ground in weeds, in breeding colors
Purple Gallinule walking down a reed in Florida Wetlands