Search Results
Your search yielded 19 images
Cedar Waxwing perched on a branch on a dark cloudy day
Least Tern in flight against a very cloudy sky
Atlantic Puffin in breeding colors, in flight with feet...
Asult Bald Eagle coming out of water with fish on cloudy...
Least Tern with a fish in it's mouth perched on ledge on...
Rainbow in valley with river in foreeground in...
Least Bittern taking off in flight in rain at Viera Wetlands
Valley scene in Sinks of Gandy West Virginia with rolling...
Female Purple Martin in flight with insect prey in beak...
Red-Bellied Woodpecker perched in Hemlock tree
Adult Cedar Waxwing perched on a branch in the rain
Puffin in flight in fog off Machias Seal Island
Pink sunset in Rocky Mountain National Park
Red-Bellied Woodpecker clinging to tree trunk
Mottled Duck in flight with wings in downstroke against...
Female Purple Martin hovering in flight against cloudy sky
Sub Adult Bald Eagle with feet forward going in to water...
Barred Owl in flight on cloudy day
Adult and Juvenile Crested Caracara perched facing each...