Search Results
Your search yielded 170 images
Brown Pelican in breeding colors, on surface of water...
Male bobolink perched on ground in weeds, in breeding colors
Sunlit Glossy Ibis, wading in water, in adult breeding...
Cattle Egret in bright breeding colors in flight with...
Brilliant fall colors reflected in a lake in West...
Male Green-winged Teal in breeding colors with female in...
Double-Crested Cormorant in breeding colors against sky
Herring Gull in breeding colors in flight against blue sky
Profile of Male Anhinga head and neck in breeding colors
Pied-Billed Grebe in breeding colors swimming with beak...
A pair of American Avocets in breeding colors, inflight...
Arctic Tern in breeding colors in flight against blue sky
Male Ruddy Duck in breeding colors, swimming with tail...
Close view of Brown Pelican in breeding colors flying...
Very wet Pied-billed Grebe coming up from dive with...
Reddish Egret in breeding colors standing in surf in...
Brown Pelican in full breeding colors, in flight low over...
Male Wood Duck swimming in pond in breeding colors
Brown Pelican in breeding colors, in flight
Fall scenic view from Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville...
Male Least Bittern in breeding colors clinging to reeds...
Atlantic Puffin in breeding colors, in flight with feet...
Male Least Bittern in flight in golden evening light in...
Brown Pelican in breeding colors,landing with wings in...
Cattle Egret in breeding colors, in flight with nesting...
Reddish Egret in breeding colors, standing in water with...
American White Pelican in breeding colors, gliding in flight
Common Loon in breeding colors on the water in lake in Maine
Little Blue Heron with fish speared on it's beak in the...
Brightly colored Male Painted Bunting perched on ground...
Bright fall color in rural West Virginia mountains with...
Female Moose lifting head out of water with bright autumn...
Cattle Egret in-flight against bright blue sky. Bird is...
Bright fall foliage in a valley in the mountains in West...
Great Egret in breeding plumage, displaying, against...
Male Anhinga in breeding plumage, sitting on a tree...
Sand Hill Crane landing in golden light at sunset, feet...
Atlantic Puffin perched on rock with mouthful of fish
Atlantic Puffin with beak full of fish going into burrow...
Male Mallard in flight against sky
Reddish Egret in breeding plumage, standing in water
Valley scene in Sinks of Gandy West Virginia with rolling...
Glossy Ibis standing on one foot by water's edge in...
Male Blue-Winged Teal swimming in evening light
Cattle Egret in breeding plumage in flight with nesting...
Puffin perched on rock with ocean in background
Atlantic Puffin standing on a rock with wings spread in...
Western Red-tailed Hawk perched after feeding with blood...
Rural valley scene in mountains of West Virginia with...
Roseate Spoonbill with wings aloft,standing in grass at...