Search Results
Your search yielded 127 images
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker clinging to a tree
Male Red-Eyed Eastern Towhee sitting in Hemlock tree
Male Cinnamon Teal swimming in pond
A Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in flight at red flower...
Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak landing on rail with wings aloft
Male bobolink perched on ground in weeds, in breeding colors
Male Wild Turkey displaying in backyard in Asheville, NC
Male Hooded Merganser with crest displayed, wings flapping.
Male Northern Bobwhite standing in field looking upward
Male Blue-Winged Teal swimming in evening light
Male Ruby throated Hummingbird in flight at Red Bee Balm...
Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird perched on a stick
Male Wild Turkey displaying, in NC backyard in snow
Male Ring-Necked Duck, flapping wings in Viera, Florida...
Male Masked Duck sitting in water with wings up. This...
Male Golden-Fronted Woodpecker perched on dead branch...
Male Blue Grosbeak perched on limb
Male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in flight with wings forward
Senior male artist painting at an easel outdoors in...
Male Painted Bunting in a palm tree in Florida
Male Fly fisherman fishing in river
Male Blue Grosbeak perched on branch
Male Gambel's Quail perched on the ground in snow in...
Male Northern Cardinal perched, in profile in hemlock tree
Male Anhinga in breeding plumage, sitting on a tree...
Male Red-winged blackbird perched on railing, singing
Male Ring-Necked Pheasant walking in grassy field in late...
Male Masked Duck,a vagrant unusual visitor to Florida, up...
Male American Goldfinch perched on a bird shaped metal...
Male Juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird perched on a...
Bright red male cardinal in hemlock tree
Male Pyrrhuloxia perched on branch of tree with yellow...
Male Painted Bunting sitting on ground with seeds in beak
Male Red-winged Blackbird perched on top of a pine tree
Male Northern Pintail in flight
Male Northern Cardinal Portrait
Male and Female Gambel's Quail perched on dead stump...
American Robin, male, feeding on berries, with a berry in...
Young male artist in Yellowstone National Park painting a...
Male Hooded Merganser in profile in evening ilght
Male Blue-winged Teal sitting in shallow water in duckweed
Male Pileated Woodpecker
Male American Redstart perched in tree in MooseHorn...
Male Snail Kite in flight against a bright blue sky
Male Snail Kite Soaring against Blue Sky
Male Baltimore Oriole perched on a branch
Male Mallard in flight against sky
Male Wood Duck swimming in river in woods
Common Eider, Male flapping in water
Male Northern Pintail swimming in water