Search Results
Your search yielded 405 images
Male American Redstart perched in tree in MooseHorn...
Sandhill Crane landing at sunset at Bosque del Apache...
Juvenile Bald Eagle perched on a branch at Bosque del...
Greater Roadrunner perched in a tree in Bosque del Apache...
Male Gambel's Quail perched on the ground in snow in...
Juvenile Northern Harrier in flight, hunting
Male Pyrrhuloxia eating flowering plant outside Bosque...
Ross's Goose landing in orchestra position
Ross' Goose coming in for a landing with wings outstretched
Snow goose in flight against blue sky
Male Ring-Necked Pheasant on ground in snow
Adult SandHill Crane flying low over water and grass in...
Northern Flicker, Red-Shafted, in flight
American Avocet in breeding colors, standing in water,...
Black Skimmer landing in water with feet splashing
Black Skimmer, skimming along water surface with...
Reddish Egret displaying feeding behavior, running with...
Reddish Egret, Very uncommon White Morph, standing in...
Black Skimmer flying just above surface of water, wings...
Two Snow Geese in flight in Bosque del Apache National...
Greater Roadrunner in a tree in Bosque del Apache...
Snow Goose (dark morph, Blue Goose), in flight at Bosque...
Western Dark Morph Red -Tailed Hawk perched in tree in...
Male Blue Grosbeak perched on branch
Male Wood Duck swimming in river in woods
Western Red-tailed Hawk perched after feeding with blood...
Male Mallard in flight against sky
Snow Goose in flight with wings in downstroke, at sunset,...
Sand Hill Crane landing in golden light at sunset, feet...
Immature Snow goose in flight against blue sky with puffy...
An adult Cooper's Hawk perched on a limb in sunshine
Female Wood Duck standing on bank of pond with beak open
Greater Roadrunner perched in tree after snow in Bosque...
Female Belted Kingfisher in flight over pond at sunset
Female Merlin perched on top of bare tree top scanning...
Male Orchard Oriole perched in tree with bare branches
Female House Sparrow feeding young a bee
Male Northern Pintail, landing with feet down
Juvenile Bald Eagle soaring in flight with both wings...
Blue Goose coming in for a landing, facing camera with...
A very wet Moose calf standing at the edge of the water...
Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron taking off in flight...
Tree Swallow landing with feet forward on bare branch...
Adult Sandhill Crane in flight against blue sky with...
Mute Swan taking off in flight from water at sunset
Tree Swallow feeding nestling with nestling's beak open
Male and Female Gambel's Quail perched on dead stump...
Eastern Bluebird perched on branch in evening sun
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with wings aloft
Male Blue Grosbeak looking over shoulder, perched in reeds