Search Results
Your search yielded 277 images
Male Hooded Merganser with crest displayed, wings flapping.
Juvenile Bald Eagle in nest with wings spread, unfledged
Male Ruby throated Hummingbird in flight at Red Bee Balm...
Black-Crowned Night Heron in flight with wings aloft...
Male Ring-Necked Duck, flapping wings in Viera, Florida...
Male Masked Duck sitting in water with wings up. This...
Roseate Spoonbill standing in water with reflection with...
Adult Trumpeter Swan flapping wings in Yellowstone...
Male Masked Duck,a vagrant unusual visitor to Florida, up...
Belted Kingfisher in flight with wings in downstroke
Brown Pelican in breeding colors, on surface of water...
Thin-Billed, Bridled form, Murre with wings out and fish...
Reddish Egret displaying feeding behavior, running with...
Atlantic Puffin in flight, flying toward camera with...
First Year Forster's Tern in flight with wings aloft
Atlantic Puffin landing with wings aloft and feet down
Black Skimmer flying just above surface of water, wings...
Bald Eagle landing in nest with wings aloft
Female Wood Duck standing up in water, flapping wings...
Pied-Billed Grebe swimming in a circle with wings aloft
Mottled Duck in flight with wings in downstroke against...
Bright Pink Roseate Spoonbill in flight with wings aloft
Adult Sandhill Crane in flight against blue sky with...
Male Lesser Scaup flapping wings in brackish water
An Atlantic Puffin landing with wings out, feet down and...
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with wings aloft
Male Masked Duck sitting in water with wings up. This...
King Rail displaying both wings in wetland among vegetation
Brown Pelican in breeding colors,landing with wings in...
Belted Kingfisher in flight with wings in downstroke
Roseate Spoonbill in flight with wings in downstroke and...
Female Bufflehead in flight, low over water with wings in...
Female Bufflehead in flight over water with wings in...
Trumpeter Swan flapping wings in river in Yellowtone...
Mute Swan flapping wings in water with wings outstretched
Orange-crowned Warbler with wings aloft and full...
Snowy Egret in flight with wings horizontal, dipping beak...
Mute Swan flapping wings at susset
Male Hooded Merganser standing upright in water flapping...
Male Canvasback duck flapping wings with water droplets...
Red Shafted Northern flicker in flight with wings aloft
Male nonbreeding Ruddy duck standing up in water flapping...
Female Lesser Goldfinch landing on thistle plant with...
American Avocet in flight with wings up
a Non-Breeding Royal Tern in flight with wings aloft and...
Canada Goose in flight with wings aloft against blue sky
Juvenile Bald Eagle soaring in flight with both wings...
Swallow-tailed Kite in flight with prey in feet flying...
Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron taking off in flight...